
十大网赌靠谱网址平台的预算计费计划可以提供帮助. It’s a free 和 easy way to take the highs 和 lows out of your electric bill. 预算计费旨在帮助您管理您的能源成本,减少季节性的账单冲击 和 维护 你的预算.

预算计费, 你每月支付的电费不再是你实际费用的总和. 而不是, 它是根据你过去12个月的平均电费计算的, 因此,无论季节天气如何变化,您每个月的付款都将大致相同.

  • 例如, if the total amount of your last 12 electric bills was $2,400, your 预算帐单 monthly payment would be about $200.


月数 = 新的月度
$2,400 ÷  12 = $200

  • You must be a residential or small business customer.
  • You cannot owe an overdue balance or have a pending service disconnection order.
  • You cannot have participated in 预算帐单 during the past 12 months.
  • 您不能注册能源计划.

预算账单不是一个折扣计划. You are still responsible for the cost of the energy you use. 虽然 预算账单不是一个节省计划, 它给你的方便和可预见性的平均支付全年, 所以你可以轻松地管理你的预算. 在节目中, we'll continue to read your meter each month to determine your actual usage 和 cost; these amounts will be recorded on your monthly bill. While in the program, your bill will also show a “deferred balance”. “递延余额”表示您的实际费用与预算账单平均每月付款金额之间的差额.

Here's a 'real-life' example to demonstrate how the program works.

Jane lives in Florida, where the summers are hot 和 winters are mild. 这些季节性的温度变化导致简的能源账单在夏天增加,因为她的空调很难保持家里凉爽,而在冬天减少使用空调,她的能源账单就会减少.

  • By enrolling in 坦帕电’s 预算帐单 program, 简可以更好地管理她的每月开支,避免夏季高额账单带来的预算冲击.
  • 而不是, Jane将根据前一年的能源使用量和预计的未来成本每月支付固定的金额.
    • 例如, 如果简的最后12张钞票总共是2美元,400, 她未来的预算账单支付将固定在每月200美元左右.



On your enrollment anniversary 和 periodically at other times during the year, 十大国际老虎机平台将审核您的帐户,以确定您的预算账单付款金额是否需要调整. Adjustments can happen if your usage or rates have changed. 您每月的支付金额可能会根据当前的能源成本和实际使用的能源增加或减少.


如果递延余额大于零, 差额将作为您在接下来的12个月的新平均付款金额的一部分. This means your new monthly 预算帐单 amount will include 1/12th 递延余额.

在你的年度总结中 只有:

If your deferred balance is negative at the end of your enrollment period, 意思是你有信用, 你会得到那个积分, 全额, on your next month's bill on your anniversary date. 


  • This program is designed to provide predictability. 这不是一个折扣计划.
  • Once enrolled, we will activate your request on your next month's billing cycle.
  • 没有任何费用或合同. 你可以随时停止参与. 然而,离开节目后, any accumulated deferred balance will be immediately due.
  • 如果您离开或终止该计划,您至少在12个月内不能重新注册.
  • To participate, your account must remain active 和 current.
  • The designated monthly payment amount must be paid.
  • 如果您的帐户在12个月内因未付款而产生两次服务中断订单, 它将被从计划中删除, 并且至少12个月内不能重新注册.
  • 如果您的预算账单付款金额有任何变化,您将在每月对账单上收到账单信息通知.

To enroll in 预算帐单, click the button below, create a 坦帕电 在线账户 如果你还没有的话, 并在主页右下角的设置菜单中选择“预算计费”.


With a consistent 预算帐单 payment you can count on, you may also enjoy the convenience 和 time savings of 自动支付无纸化计费. You can enroll in these services when 和 where you enroll in 预算帐单.


如果断开服务, stop participating in or are removed from the program, any accumulated deferred balance will be immediately due, 和 you can not reenroll in the program for at least 12 months. 如果递延金额为正, the entire balance will be posted to your account for immediate payment. 如果递延金额为负, 你下个月的账单可以一次性抵扣,这可能会减少你目前的费用. 若要停止预算计费, 登录你的账户 然后选择“关闭”按钮. 

如果你有任何问题, 联系十大国际老虎机平台 寻求帮助.

预算帐单 is a free program that can help you manage your energy costs, reduce seasonal payment fluctuations 和 维护 你的预算. 预算计费, you'll avoid surprises with more predictable energy bills. 而不是 of your payment fluctuating each month with your actual monthly usage, 你支付的金额是基于你过去一年的平均账单金额-让你每月支付的金额更加一致.

  • 例如, if the total amount of your last 12 electric bills was $3,300, your 预算帐单 monthly payment would be about $275 for the next 12 months.


  • 管理你的能源成本.
  • 减少季节性的账单高峰和压力.
  • 保持预算.
  • 享受更可预测的账单.

How do I know if I'm eligible for the 预算帐单 program?
所有住宅和小型企业客户都可以参与预算计费, 除非 你欠了一笔过期的欠款, 在过去的12个月内已经停止或从该计划中删除,或有待处理的服务中断命令.

虽然你不需要12个月的使用历史在您的地址参与预算计费, we do recommend it for the most accurate payment estimate. If you have less than 12 months of usage history at your address, your 预算帐单 payment amount is based on your current usage.

重要的 注意: 如果该帐户在12个月内因未付款而产生两次服务断开订单,您将被从该计划中删除.


  1. TECOaccount.com.
  2. Creating an 在线账户, 如果你还没有的话, 和 logging in.
  3. Choosing the account you want to enroll in the program.
  4. 导航到设置菜单.
  5. 点击预算计费.
  6. 按照提示操作.

预算帐单 covers your basic electric services. 它不包括服务费用,如户外照明和其他产品和服务,如Zap Cap系统. Those charges are listed as separate line items on the bill.

Is there a fee for participating in 预算帐单?
No, 预算帐单 is a free 和 voluntary program. 没有月费或合同. 您可以随时停止参与. 只要记住, if you stop participating in or are removed from the program, 你必须等待12个月才能重新注册. 此外,在离开程序时, any accumulated deferred balance will be immediately due.

预算账单付款的计算方法是将你过去12个账单周期的总金额除以12,得到你的平均账单金额. That average amount becomes your monthly 预算帐单 payment going forward.

  • 例如, if the total amount of your last 12 electric bills was $3,300, your 预算帐单 monthly payment would be about $275.

When will I see my new 预算帐单 payment amount on my statement?

预算账单开始于您注册后的下个月的账单. 您的预算账单开始日期在注册时提供,并在您的注册确认电子邮件或信函中列出.

Here's a start date example: If you enroll on July 1, 您下次结账的日期是8月6日, 您的新预算账单付款将不会出现在此账单上,因为服务期间仍然有效(6/30/24 - 7/31/24). 您的预算账单参与将从8月服务期间(8/1/24 - 8/30/24)开始,并出现在您的9月6日的对账单上.

On your enrollment anniversary 和 periodically at other times during the year, 十大国际老虎机平台将审核您的帐户,以确定您的预算账单付款金额是否需要调整. Adjustments can happen if your usage or energy rates have changed. 您每月的付款金额可能会根据实际使用能源的新计算增加或减少, the current cost of energy 和 any related deferred balance.


如果递延余额大于零, 差额将作为您在接下来的12个月的新平均付款金额的一部分. This means your new monthly 预算帐单 amount will include 1/12th 递延余额.

在你的年度总结中 只有:

If your deferred balance is negative at the end of your enrollment period, 意思是你有信用, 你会得到那个积分, 全额, on your next month's bill on your anniversary date. 

Where do I see my energy usage 和 预算帐单 information on my bill?

  1. 实际电费: 这些是你的实际费用,代表了你在常规账单计划中要支付的金额.
  2. 预算计费金额: Your annualized payment on the 预算帐单 program.
  3. 年初至今递延余额: “实际能源服务费用”与“预算账单”付款之间的累计差额.


Deferred balances are listed 和 updated on your monthly bill. The deferred balance reflects your actual usage 和 charges. This is included on your bill so that during any given month, you are aware of any debit or credit you are carrying. 递延余额可以在账单的“其他费用和收费”部分的预算账单付款金额下找到. 请看下面的橙色大框.


How do I find out if my payment amount has changed?
如果您的预算账单付款发生变化, a bill message will appear on the bill when the change is made. You will also receive a letter or email depending on your account preferences.

Will I save money if I enroll on the 预算帐单 program?
而不是储蓄计划, 预算账单给你的便利性和可预测性的一整年的平均支付, so you pay approximately the same amount each month. 可能有几个月,你的预算账单支付高于或低于你的实际使用量,但记住-这些费用均匀分布在全年. 最后,你只需要为你使用的能源付费.

Do I need to re-enroll in 预算帐单 on my anniversary date?
No. 一旦你注册了预算计费, 您将一直留在该计划中,直到您断开服务或退出该计划. If you stop participating in or are removed from the program, 至少12个月内不能重新注册. 

您可以随时停止参与预算计费并返回常规计费. 然而, if you stop participating in or are removed from the program, 你必须等待12个月才能重新注册. 此外,在离开程序时, any accumulated deferred balance will be immediately due.

